Nurul ready for ‘A’ show

KUALA LUMPUR: Long and triple jumper Nurul Ashikin Abas may make her Sea Games debut in May under Category B, but she is ready to give an ‘A’ show.
The 22-year-old from Perak wants to have a memorable outing in Phnom Penh with a podium finish.
Under Category B, the Malaysia Athletics Federation (MAF) will have to bear her expenses in the games, but if she wins a medal of any colour, the Olympic Council of Malaysia will reimburse the MAF.
None of the women’s long and triple jumpers qualified on merit for the Sea Games.
Nurul was selected by MAF for the Sea Games based on her gold-winning 5.92m in the long jump at the Perak Open last year, and the 13.02m in triple jump in the Pahang Open.
Nurul said although this is her first Sea Games, she wants to justify her selection by winning a medal.
“I know the athletes from Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines are strong but anything is possible in field events.
“I have set a target of 13.30m in the triple jump to return with a medal,” said Nurul, who is coached by Ahmad Firdaus Salim since 2018.
Nurul, who is doing a degree in physical education at Universiti Putra Malaysia, will compete in the Philippines Open at Ilagan City on March 22-25.
By Aftar Singh

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